- Your Health


- The Health of Your Family


- The Money You will save


- The Environment, yes the environment around you, and here's why: The world has approximately 1.2 billion smokers. If each one smokes half a pack (15 cigarettes) each day, or 105 a week, that's 5460 cigarettes per person, per year. Now we can take that number and multiply it by 1,200,000,000 and we get 6,552,000,000,000 cigarettes smoked on earth, each year! Now if all those cigarette butts (1cm long) were placed end to end, the line it would created would be about 65,520,000km long! If the earth's circumference at the equator is approximately 40,000km, then our line of cigarette butts could go around the world 1638 times, every year! And that's just the litter from the cigarette butts!


Take this pristine landscape...



Now take a years worth of cigarette butts, cigarette packaging, cigarette smoke, unused cigarettes, and place them in this beautiful environment, and it might look something like this...



Not very pleasant, is it? Oh, and these calculations, were low balling it!